Interview with Dallas Willard
(unknown date, but before Dallas got sick)
My work is to teach the teaching of X and live them
We have cultivated a devotional life that leaves life out of it. We don’t have a life of devotion.
We have a (little) prayer life. What we need is a praying life.
We put what Jesus said into practice. Think of your church as a place where people are doing that.
It’s a whole life thing, not just on Sundays. And then you come back together with people who love you.
Guilt is not constructive. People feel guilty about witnessing and giving.
Church is where people form a com’ty of love where all the bad habits gained in world apart from God are broken. we discover we can trust love.
Partly we found that out when things don’t go smoothly in church.
Conviction of sin is not just guilt but also a vision of change.
Confession can be the point where you abandon yourself to God. It’s not just guilt.
Ministry will teach you abandonment to God. We should count on God. It’s not something I just talk about. It’s real presence I can see and know.
Rejection is buying us back from rejecting the supremacy of God in our lives.
We live as people creating good under His power.
God comes to us in history. The story of redemption is the story of Incarnation.
He establishes His place in human history
1 Cor 15: If X is not risen, your faith is in vain
You have to start with Creation (Gen 1.26) if you’re going to make sense of Redemption
Starts with responsibility for fish. By Ps 8, it’s domesticated animals. People have lived on the back of animals for a long time. What do we have dominion over today? What are we responsible for?
The great threat to God’s K in my life is my kingdom.
We learn to trust JX and live in His K by bringing our life into position of dependence on Him.
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