Monday, January 27, 2014

Dallas Notes: Catalyst West 2010

The Gospel tells us how to get into Heaven before we die

grace doesn't make us passive. it's not opposed to effort (action), it's opposed to earning (attitude)
discipline enables us to enter into something that is good
do things in your power to enable you [eventually] to do something which is not in your power now
[I think Dallas Willard's idea of character and spiritual formation goes well with NT Wright's concept of virtue]
discipline is practice
training v. trying
intelligent effort that re-frames
do the next right thing you know you should do
you're going to need help. nothing will drive you into the Kingdom of God like trying to do the next thing that is right and growing [good?]
you will need help and you will get it b/c that's where God is.

[Maybe Dallas has less trouble with Pharisaism and needing grace than me (and Tim Keller). he takes more for granted (in his arguments) than I need, so I need to remember that]

[what should I be training for? what do the disciplines allow. what's the goal?
well, how can I be a little more like Dallas (as he is like Jesus)?
analog: Couch to 5k (in 9 weeks)
what's my 9-week training program? 30 minutes 3x a week?]

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